Please Come Back In My Life

Where did you go leaving me alone,
giving me the pains which I do not own.
Why did you broke my heart into two,
without caring about me and listening me too.
Why did not you try to understand my feelings, my love,
just left me dumb with thousands of unsaid words.
I feel so incomplete as you are not beside me,
Just like the heart without the heart beats,
Just like the body without soul,
Just like the night without stars and moon.,
Just like a ship with a hole.
Please come back in my life,
i have forgotten to live it without you.
Come and hold my hand my beloved,
as i am dying to meet you and love you.
Next Sad-Love Poem..>>
Design Poem
heart Touching Line.............
This peom almost fits the bill to the fullest for
what i want to exspress to the love of my life.
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sad love
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